NEWS-WORTHY: I think this photo is an ideal representation of the theme 'news-worthy' as it symbolises drought, a topic that is very current in Australian news. To achieve this effect I used the tool artistic and used poster edges.

POPULAR: I chose this photo as a representation of the theme 'popular' as ipods are such a current trend and are extremely popular. To achieve this effect i used the brush strokes tool and used sprayed edges.

GAMES: I chose this photo represents the theme 'games' because it is under the games toolbar on a computer desktop and the fact that card games are always popular. To achieve this effect I went to the artistic tool and clicked on plastic wrap.

AUSTRALIAN: I used a phot of a BBQ to represent the theme of 'Australian'. I chose this photo because BBQ's are a large part of Australian culture. All i did to get this effect was click on the blur tool.

COMMUNICATION: Mobiles are one of the primary forms of communication, which why i beleive it is the perfect representation of the communication theme. I used the artistic tool and the neon effect in order to achieve this image.

FRIENDS: This is a photo of myself and my best friend, thus representing the theme of 'friends'. To create the effect i used the distort tool and diffused glow. I also enhanced the grain effect on it.

CELEBRITY: This picture represent the theme celebrity obviously because it is a celebrity walking the red carpet. To get this effect I used the pixalating tool and crystallised it.
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